Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ace Adventures: The Countdown Begins

Welcome, reader, to another exciting installment of The Adventures of Ace, the World’s First E-filing Superhero!

Ace has gathered the citizens of ExpressIRSForms in Town Square for a very special announcement. Towering behind him is a new clock, which seems to be counting down to March 31st.

“By the end of this month,” Ace continues, “you’ll need to have sent out your 1095-B or 1095-C forms to your recipients and/or employees to be compliant with the ACA and IRS’s extended deadline for these forms.”

“What do you mean by an extended deadline?” yells a member of the crowd.

“Since this is the first year the ACA forms are required to be filed, the IRS decided to give filers a little extra time to learn how to file their ACA forms. They extended the recipient deadline for the 2015 tax year - which is what we file in this, the year of 2016 - from January 31 to March 31. Similarly, they changed the paper filing deadline for the IRS copies from February 28/29 to May 31 and the e-filing deadline for IRS copies from March 31 to June 30.”

“Wait, so I have to file more than one copy of these forms?” questions another citizen.

Ace, sensing he was losing them, decided to try a comparison technique in his explanation.

“Just like how when you run a business and pay employees or contractors, you have to report to the IRS and your employee/contractor on a 1099 or W-2, you now have to do the same thing for anyone you provide health insurance to. Or anyone you offer to provide health insurance to. So like your 1099 or W-2, the 1095-B or 1095-C forms you file with the IRS will be a copy of the same form you send to your recipients.”

“Yeah, I was wondering,” began another crowd member, “I’ve got a lot of recipients. Is there some, like, program or something that’ll help me mail them out? Or mail them out for me?”

“You betcha!” Ace replies. “In fact, I was just about to tell you about them! You see, if you file with my sidekicks over at www.ExpressIRSForms.com, you can e-file your ACA forms with the IRS and also have them send your recipient forms for you, saving you a lot of time as well as a trip to the post office. Plus, you don’t have to worry about any of those other deadlines because your forms have already been filed by the IRS. You could be done filing a full three months early!”

“And speaking of time,” Ace continues, “I’m running out of it. It’s back to protecting the city from mayhem for me, back to filing those ACA forms for you citizens!”

You can get in touch with one of Ace’s sidekicks by phone (704-839-2270) or live chat (www.expressirsforms.com) Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We’re also available 24/7 at support@expressirsforms.com.

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