Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Time's Running Out to File Your 2016 W-2 Forms!

Time's Running Out to File Your 2016 W-2 Forms!
Quick - have you heard?!

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has changed the deadline for all filings for Form W-2 - paper filing, e-filing, and even employee copies - to January 31 starting with the 2016 tax year.

That means those paper forms you thought you had until February 28th, 2017 to send or the e-filing you intended to put off until March 31, 2017, for this year's set of W-2s are actually due by January 31, 2017.

The employee copies of your W-2 Forms were already due to be out by January 31, 2017, anyway, but now you need to make sure your W-2s are submitted to the SSA in some form by that date. Which means you don’t have much time left to get your W-2 Forms ready to go!

Of course, ExpressIRSForms will be here the moment the SSA opens up e-filing for the 2016 tax year to help get your forms filed and sent out on time! As an IRS-authorized e-file provider, we’ve got the edge to help securely e-file your forms as early as possible and the features to do it in no time at all.

And did we mention we do postal mailing? That’s right: before you e-file, just select the option to add in postal mailing. We’ll get an alert here at our headquarters in Rock Hill, SC and begin printing the employee copies of your W-2 Forms to securely mail them by the next business day.

Why, with ExpressIRSForms, you could have your W-2 Forms submitted to the SSA and sent to your employees in a matter of minutes - and well before the January 31 deadline too!

Head on over to ExpressIRSForms now to sign up for an account and learn more about e-filing with us! And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call (704-684-4751) or send us a live chat; we’re available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST. And we also provide 24/7 customer assistance through email at support@ExpressIRSForms.com!

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