Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Miss the ACA E-filing Deadline?

Now that we’re almost halfway through July, the dust is finally starting to settle from the Affordable Care Act e-filing deadline that was June 30. If your return has come back with errors and you need to make corrections, ExpressIRSForms is the place to be. We’ve been on top of the ins and outs of ACA reporting since Day One.

Hm, what’s that? You haven’t filed yet at all?

Well, while we can’t really say that’s okay, there’s no need to start fretting over being late now. You may not be at the corrections stage like most filers, but ExpressIRSForms can still help!

First Off, There Are No Late Filing Penalties for the 2015 Tax Year
Although the IRS extended the actual deadlines for ACA Forms 1094 and 1095 (from March 31 to June 30) for the 2015 tax year, they realized there would still be many businesses that needed more time to power through the confusion of these new regulations and forms.

That’s why the IRS also announced earlier this year that if you can provide evidence that you made attempts to file on time but were delayed for whatever reason, they’ll forgive any late-filing fees you would have otherwise incurred. The big thing here though is that you still need to submit a completed (or as close to completed as possible) return to the IRS to show your good faith efforts.

Which is Where ExpressIRSForms Comes In
As an online, cloud-based program authorized by the IRS to e-file information returns, ExpressIRSForms is up, running, and able to be used anytime you need to access your account. That means that even weeks after a deadline, you can e-file your forms directly with the IRS. Additionally, our expert customer support team is available throughout the year, not just during tax season, to answer your questions from our base in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

To e-file your ACA Forms 1094 and 1095 with ExpressIRSForms, simply create an account on our website. From there, select the ACA forms option in the “Create New Forms” section. The program will then guide you through, step by step, until you’ve filed your return with the IRS.

If you have any questions or need help getting started, give us a call! We’re in the office Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET, where we’re available by live chat through www.ExpressIRSForms.com or at (704) 684-4751. Have a question after hours? We respond to questions sent via email 24/7! Just send a message to support@ExpressIRSForms.

Happy filing!

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